"Resilient Deer In Winter" Winter Mindfulness Activities For Children

Building Strong Brains And Hearts Through The Magic Of Being Here: Evidence-Based Mindfulness Tools And Techniques That Build Resilience, And Support Feelings Of Calm, Healing And Connection

Just as deer feed their bodies for strength and endurance particularly leading up to colder weather, we can also feed our minds! As we immerse ourselves in the winter season, let’s tune in to our breath to help with calm and resilience while we build our brains. All that’s needed are a few moments to reset and refocus, enabling us to continue with a clearer mind and greater sense of inner peace. Let’s be resilient like deer!

We use yoga and mindfulness with children to help build their emotional awareness and understanding, aka their self-regulatory capacity, to be able to help them acknowledge emotions, express them, and be able to breathe through all that life throws at them.
— Jen Armstrong, HERE Co-Founder

calming mantra for children

Calming mantra for children

mindful moments

Five Finger Breath Mindfulness For Kids
Rest Your Mind Jar Creative Mindfulness Activity For Kids

buffett institute professional development for all series

Click For Materials From Our Buffett Early Childhood Institute Speaking Engagement: “Brain Building Techniques For Parents And Children: Integrating Mindfulness, Meditation, And Yoga”

teddy bear belly breathing mindfulness activity and calming breath for children

more Mindfulness activities and meditations for children

“Spring Healing”

As we go through struggles, we can all too easily think we are alone. We are not alone. We are here together. Remind yourself of this when you struggle. Let’s practice “Spring Healing” to find your inner peace and calm which is always here for you. Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth. Close your eyes and practice the mantra: “I am peaceful. I find softness in my heart. May I be gentle on myself.”

“Oodles of Tulips”

You are unique, loved and surrounded by support. Think of yourself as a beautiful tulip in a field of thousands of tulips, “Oodles of Tulips!” ~ You are surrounded by your community and supported by the earth. Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth. Close your eyes and practice the mantra: “I am loved. I am connected to all life on earth. I send loving kindness into the world.”

“Gentle Breezes and Bluebirds”

There is a weather proverb that states: “Bluebirds are a sign of spring, warm weather and gentle south breezes.” (The Old Farmer’s Almanac). Along with this, the spiritual meaning of bluebirds includes love, peace, trust, dedication and positive change. We thought this would make for a relevant theme right now, and the idea of being gentle on yourself too. Try the mantra: "I am peaceful. I find softness in my heart. May I be gentle on myself."

“Breaking Through Like A Lotus”

Lighter days are ahead.  Just like the lotus flower, we can move through even the toughest of challenges and murky water, emerging stronger and more beautiful on the other side.  Feel your roots grounding you into the earth… Feel your gentle heartbeat and slow down the breath….  Feel connected to yourself, and to nature…  It is within us to rise through challenge, just as the lotus flower does.

Spring-Themed Meditations For Children

From body scans to visualisations to sending loving kindness, inviting this practice into your home and/or classroom can be a lovely shared activity to help draw in calm while supporting the wellbeing of the whole family and children you support. 

“Calming, Blue Sky” ~ Meditation For Families, Children and For Those Who Support Children

Get cosy, close the eyes, and shake out all the wiggles! Relax the whole body, shoulders, face, jaw, tummy, arms, hands, legs and feet. Imagine resting on a soft ,white, fluffy cloud, all comfy and cosy...It feels so nice to be here...You look up and see the bright blue sky above you... You are so warm here, the sun shining down on your face... All your worries are melting away...

“Cosy, Fluffy Bunnies” ~ Meditation For Families, Children and For Those Who Support Children

Lie down and let your whole body relax...Close down your eyes, or place something over them. You feel all cosy just like a fluffy bunny settling down for the night! Slow down your breath as you lay here all floppy and relaxed... Imagine a lovely fluffy bunny comes hopping over to you! It makes it way to you slowly and quietly... It wants to say hello!

“Happy Hippo” Meditation For Children, Families And Those Who Support Children

Let's settle in, close the eyes and relax whole body. Imagine you're a happy hippo laying in the sunshine, feeling the warmth on your belly and face! Let yourself be really floppy like a relaxed hippo ~ You are in the perfect place! Sink into stillness and peace here.

Click For Materials From Our Buffett Early Childhood Institute PD For All Speaking Engagement: “Brain Building Techniques For Parents And Children: Integrating Mindfulness, Meditation, And Yoga”


Welcoming The New Year With Kindness ~ 3 Creative Mindfulness Activities For You and The Children You Support


"Wintergold and Gratitude" Winter Mindfulness Activities For Children