Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindfulness For Children Dana Olson Mindfulness For Children Dana Olson

"Calming Cuties" ~ Let's Take A Deep Breath!

Welcome to the peaceful world of the “Calming Cuties!” Join them for these breathing exercises that help calm busy, overwhelmed brains. “With the Calming Cuties, you'll learn to unwind and discover peace within… Such a treasure you'll find! So when your brain gets busy, and thoughts cause a strain, breathe with the Cuties, and let tranquility reign!”

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Mindfulness For Children Dana Olson Mindfulness For Children Dana Olson

Take a Breath: Calming Breathing Exercises For Children and Teens

Sometimes all you need is a moment to pause and a moment to breathe. A moment in stillness to help refocus the mind, and induce a sense of calm in the body. These breathing exercises for children and teens invite us to do just that… To take a moment to pause, and invite comfort, safety and belonging into our hearts and minds.

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The Relax Response: Breathing Techniques For Calm and Relaxation

Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth, and breathe into the whole body. Direct the breath to any areas of stress or tension to help release the burdens. Exhale and let it all go. Repeat this exercise as many times as you need, until you feel relaxed. Remember that when you pause in stress, you are better able to respond to what life is giving you.

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Mindfulness And Breathing Activities To Warm The Heart

These mindfulness activities for children and for ourselves invite us to take a moment to pause, and invite comfort, safety and belonging into our hearts and minds. When our minds feel like there is too much going on, we can remember to pause for a few moments and hold this quiet time in your heart.

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Welcoming The New Year With Kindness ~ 3 Creative Mindfulness Activities For You and The Children You Support

We have arrived in the year 2023! Let’s welcome it in softly and with kindness. Do you tend to put great expectations on yourself for making New Years resolutions, for starting the year with a bang and a spring in your step? I think we all do. But, this isn’t always the case for many (if not all) of us. And if we overpromise ourselves from the off, it can result with us being less productive or feeling worse that we did before. 

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"Resilient Deer In Winter" Winter Mindfulness Activities For Children

Just as deer feed their bodies for strength and endurance particularly leading up to colder weather, we can also feed our minds! As we immerse ourselves in the winter season, let’s tune in to our breath to help with calm and resilience while we build our brains. All that’s needed are a few moments to reset and refocus, enabling us to continue with a clearer mind and greater sense of inner peace. Let’s be resilient like deer!

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