Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection


"Resilient Deer In Winter" Winter Mindfulness Activities For Children

Just as deer feed their bodies for strength and endurance particularly leading up to colder weather, we can also feed our minds! As we immerse ourselves in the winter season, let’s tune in to our breath to help with calm and resilience while we build our brains. All that’s needed are a few moments to reset and refocus, enabling us to continue with a clearer mind and greater sense of inner peace. Let’s be resilient like deer!

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"Wintergold and Gratitude" Winter Mindfulness Activities For Children

The cold winter months and busyness of the holidays can sometimes leave us feeling blue and overloaded. We can turn to nature and to our breath for help! Think of bright yellow and orange Wintergold pines and firs that light up dreary skies and bring warmth to the landscape. We can bring this warmth and light into our lives too, while practicing gratitude for what’s within us and around us.

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How To Create Comfortable, Safe, and Healing Environments To Build Strong Brains and Hearts

This creation of a safe space can allow an individual to feel supported, able to let go of worries and stresses, and just simply be. We believe that when an individual feels calm and safe in a space, this can help open up communication and develop creativity, allowing them to be seen and heard.

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Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness Activity Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness Activity Jennifer Armstrong

Spring Mindfulness Activities For Families, Classrooms and Those Who Work With Children

As the world begins to regenerate around us, we too can encourage growth and expansion within ourselves. We can choose to support ourselves by bringing light and warmth into our everyday through mindfulness practices. We can use this time of the year to get outside more and notice the beautiful changes in nature, draw in some morning movement perhaps, write in a journal, or begin daily practices to positively bookend morning and night.

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Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong

What Is Social Prescribing And How Does It Help My Wellbeing

Let’s talk about social prescribing, something being trialled by the NHS in the UK to help reduce demands on GP’s and the system overall. This model involves connecting individuals to link workers and prescribing them what they need to bring into their lives to feel more connected to themselves and the community around them. The crux of social prescribing is to work with people to identify how they can support their wellbeing and social relations, and in a move away from medication to meditation, we at HERE are aware of the connective qualities that mindfulness can bring into someones life.

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Mindfulness Activities Dana Olson Mindfulness Activities Dana Olson

Gratitude For Childcare Workers: National Provider Appreciation Day

Because childcare workers have a lot going on around them, including children and families who are hurting and in need of your energy and support, it can be normal to forget about your own needs. That’s why it’s important to remind yourself of all that you are. Self-care and appreciation practices can help with ground yourself and bringing about positive feelings in those times you need it most.

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Eco-Mindfulness Dana Olson Eco-Mindfulness Dana Olson

Earth Day For Kids and Families

Welcome to Earth Day… An annual event that aims to raise awareness around the world about how we can protect our plant! In this post, we have included some Earth Day activity ideas for kids, that you can do at home or in the classroom. We hope you enjoy these creative activities, yoga poses, breathing exercises and mindful toolboxes that help with worldly well-being, healing and connection!

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Eco-Mindfulness Jennifer Armstrong Eco-Mindfulness Jennifer Armstrong

5 Inspiring Sustainable Organisations in London

We can use our mindfulness tools to connect with our breath, bodies and minds, and also to those around us. But we want to expand on this by bringing awareness to how we can better connect with the environment and earth too. Through mindful practices and products, we can make a difference on planet earth through simple lifestyle tweaks and choices.

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Mindfulness Activities Dana Olson Mindfulness Activities Dana Olson

"Brave Lion" Interactive Mindful Activity Pack For Families and Classrooms

We hope you enjoy this “Brave Lion” interactive Mindful Activity Pack for families and classrooms. Follow along with Sabra The Lioness as she learns how to use Lion’s Breath to conquer her fears, join Alby and Friends with special guest Sammy the Lion for Lion’s Breath too! Also find a mantra for strength, creative activity, education about the world of lions as well as how we can make the earth a better place for them!

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Mindful Parenting Dana Olson Mindful Parenting Dana Olson

PICNIC Parenting: A Mindful Parenting Technique For Those Challenging Moments

When the kids don't want to brush their teeth before bed and we are tired and ready for me time, the easiest solution often seems to raise our voice and loose our cool. Or is it?

How about we first press our internal pause button and introduce some mindfulness into our interaction with the kids? It can really help us enjoy family time more by learning to respond to each other in a calmer more rational manner.

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Family Yoga Dana Olson Family Yoga Dana Olson

Help Us Bring More Om:Pop Mindfulness Pop-Ups To London Families!

At HERE, our goal is to create happy, healthy households worldwide through mindful practice. From stress to mental health issues, families are in critical need of wellbeing support and resources are lacking. One way in which we aim to introduce mindfulness to families is through our Om:Pop… We would love to have your support to bring more Om:Pops to London!

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