Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

Actividades de Mindfulness para Niños, Adolescentes y Familias, y para los Educadores que los Apoyan

"Calma, Conexión y Sanación Inspiradas por el Mundo que nos Rodea." Encuentra Apoyo de Mindfulness Basado en Evidencia, con Intervenciones Tempranas y Prevención para Niños y Familias a través de Ejercicios de Respiración, Estiramientos de Yoga, Actividades Creativas, Momentos de Atención Plena y Más.

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

"Enhancing Parent and Provider Skills: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Resilience Techniques from Our Presentations in the UK and US"

We hope you enjoy this collection of a few of our presentations from the UK and US that focus on healing, resilience, and providing essential tools for parenting and providers. These presentations by our team are from the Buffett Early Childhood Institute, the London Westminster Council, Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative, and Alpha School Omaha.

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

"You Are Worthy of Love" with Lovella The Green Glitteroon

Welcome to our activity pack featuring Lovella the Green Glitteroon, designed for those who teach and care for children. This pack includes the story "I Am Enough," simple breathing exercises like "Breathe Into The Heart" and "Joyful Breath," a "Cat-Cow" yoga stretch, and a "Kindness Tree" activity. It concludes with another story, "You Are Worthy Of Love," to help children embrace self-love and self-worth. Use these activities to create a supportive space for children to learn and grow, and to invite calm, comfort and healing.

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

"Calming Blue Sky" With Zenly, The London Fox

Wherever, whenever, whoever you are, let the colours of the sky bring calm, comfort and healing to you. No matter where you are, you can take a moment to pause, notice the earth and sky around you, and take some healing breaths. With each mindful breath, inhale freshness and exhale the past to make room for new energies. Breathe in serenity and breathe out with hope. Step into a world of comfort under the sky. For this mindful activity pack, Zenly the London Fox shows you how!

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The Relax Response: Breathing Techniques For Calm and Relaxation

Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth, and breathe into the whole body. Direct the breath to any areas of stress or tension to help release the burdens. Exhale and let it all go. Repeat this exercise as many times as you need, until you feel relaxed. Remember that when you pause in stress, you are better able to respond to what life is giving you.

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