Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection


3 Creative Mindfulness Activities To Welcome Spring

As we approach the season of spring, we can reflect on our challenges and triumphs over the past few months, and look towards the brighter days and months ahead of us.  At this time of change, it is also a good time to remember the benefits of tuning into the world around us, by taking moments to pause and observe, enjoying the blue skies, the sounds of spring, and life re-emerging around us from the winter. 

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The Relax Response: Breathing Techniques For Calm and Relaxation

Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth, and breathe into the whole body. Direct the breath to any areas of stress or tension to help release the burdens. Exhale and let it all go. Repeat this exercise as many times as you need, until you feel relaxed. Remember that when you pause in stress, you are better able to respond to what life is giving you.

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Mindfulness And Breathing Activities To Warm The Heart

These mindfulness activities for children and for ourselves invite us to take a moment to pause, and invite comfort, safety and belonging into our hearts and minds. When our minds feel like there is too much going on, we can remember to pause for a few moments and hold this quiet time in your heart.

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Welcoming The New Year With Kindness ~ 3 Creative Mindfulness Activities For You and The Children You Support

We have arrived in the year 2023! Let’s welcome it in softly and with kindness. Do you tend to put great expectations on yourself for making New Years resolutions, for starting the year with a bang and a spring in your step? I think we all do. But, this isn’t always the case for many (if not all) of us. And if we overpromise ourselves from the off, it can result with us being less productive or feeling worse that we did before. 

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“You Are A Work Of Greatness”

We hope you enjoy this theme centred around “You Are Enough,” from our session at the ReConnect Parent Town Hall. Remember that “You are a work of greatness” every day. You can read this affirmation with the children you support too! Find more mindfulness activities for children including breathing exercises as a part of this theme.

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3 Creative Mindfulness Activities For Comfort & Safety

During every stage in life, we all want to feel a sense of support, comfort and safety. With these creative activities we can help encourage a greater understanding of situations and people that make children feel safe.

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Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong

Weekly Mindfulness Toolbox: Happiness

It is important to be happy right? Absolutely! But it is unrealistic to be this way all of them time as life loves to throw a lot at us, good and bad. In light of Children’s Mental Health Week, we wanted to share our happiness toolbox to offer coping mechanisms for when the rough stuff comes our way, as well as to help bring in some joy into your life.

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Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson

A Family Gratitude Ritual

Recently, we’ve been hearing a lot from other parents on “comparison,” and how it can be so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your life to others. We want to help offer advice for breaking this cycle of thought and shift your brain to kinder, more positive ways of thinking. Thank you Karin for sharing your thoughts with all of us, and we hope you enjoy!

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Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson

Axel Recommends: Ommie and the Magical Garden

“Hello, is this your magical garden?” The story and the pictures are just adorable as you follow Ommie on her adventure encountering animals in the magical garden, and made it a lot of fun for Axel to do the poses along with the pages. He really loves cats, so got a big tickle out of seeing Cat Pose.

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Mindful Toolbox, Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Toolbox, Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong

HERE Presents Your Mindful Family Toolbox

Researchers, governments and individuals are increasingly reporting the benefits of engaging in mindful activities, such as yoga, with your child and family. These benefits can include: 1. Learning to be present and still together- the importance of taking a moment to relax. 2. Promoting exercise, positive body image and self-concept.

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Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong

The Benefits of Adding a Positive Journal To Your Daily Routine

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t complete your tasks for the day, it’s more about reminding yourself what was good about your day, no matter how small a detail, and also what else you could have done to make that day better. The one thing that’s also great about this diary is that you fill in the date yourself, so even if you don’t pick it up for 2 months (or two years!) you can continue exactly where you left off.

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