Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness Activity Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness Activity Jennifer Armstrong

Bedtime Yoga Pose Stories For Calm

When you feel the need for something to calm your child’s (or your own!) body and mind, then trying these few poses, or even just one, can help you to relax and unwind. They are also a great way to calm your children in certain times of the day, such as bedtime, when a gentle way to lower their levels of physical and emotional arousal is greatly beneficial. 

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Mindfulness in Schools Jennifer Armstrong Mindfulness in Schools Jennifer Armstrong

Mindfulness In Schools: What's the Big Deal?

This school’s ‘mindful moment room ’ has served to replace detentions, and by teaching the students that when they feel they can’t concentrate, or they are getting themselves riled up and into trouble, they can go and calm themselves down in a safe quiet space.  Someone is always there to support them and help them with techniques if necessary.

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