5 Ways To Find Your Flow Navigating Out of Covid
This has been (and continues to be!) a tough time for many of us. The world has changed as we know it, and a lot of uncertainty remains as to when we will go back to our normal way of being.
For many, this time has taken its toll on our physical and mental well-being, but it has also provided the opportunity for us to stop and take a look at how we move within our daily lives, and evaluate what we find the most joy in, as well as our need to feel connected towards others and the world around us.
Being thrown into a pandemic has been challenging ride. One comforting thought, however, is that there has never been a time that you could pass anyone in the street, or shop, and know that you are all going through the same experience, (albeit in your own way). It’s a reminder that we’re in this together.
So what can we do to help ourselves navigate our way back to our normal? We wanted to share a few tips below that might be able to help with the everyday during this ongoing transition time.
5 ways to mindfully navigate your way into the new normal
1. Ensure moments joy within each day
When it remains unsure what tomorrow will look like, it can be tricky to make plans and stick with them. So ensure that every day consists of something that fills your glass, something that warms your heart, nourishes you, and makes you feel joyful.
2. Find your mantra
On those more challenging days where it feels a little like Groundhog Day, or like the world has moved back three paces, find a few words that you can remind yourself of that will lift your spirits and keep you going. An example from our “Gentle Breezes and Bluebirds” Mindful Activity Pack is: “I am peaceful. May I find softness in my heart. May I be gentle on myself.”
3. Let go of expectations
Today, choose freedom from expectation. Don’t allow actions and situations out of your control to affect your happiness and well-being. It is when we let go of these expectations that we can live with a greater sense of peace in our hearts and minds.
4. Remembering all the good things
Take a moment to remind yourself of all the goodness in your life and be grateful for people that love and support you. You can even take a few minutes to write down all of the good that comes to mind.
5. Positive bookends
Start and end your day by reminding yourself of 3 things you like about yourself of your life, even the smallest things can illuminate all of the good you are and have.
Also remember that your breath is always here for you. At any moment of heightened anxiety, stress or overwhelming feelings, remember to pause and take some deep, healing breaths, and remember that you are not alone… We are in this together.
mindfulness activities for children, families and classrooms
“You Are Not Alone”
Remember that you are not alone. We are here together. Remind yourself of this when you struggle. Now find your inner peace and calm which is always here for you. All you need to do is reconnect to it. Take a deep breath in, and a calming breath out. Now tell yourself, “I am here. Everything I need is within me. I am not alone.”
“You Are Worthy Of Love”
Our heart chakra relates to our ability to give and receive love, to feel balance in our lives, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. When we experience stress and negative emotions, or find difficulty in accepting or letting things go, we can sometimes feel a blockage in our hearts… But we can help ourselves by opening our hearts.
“This Moment Shall Pass”
When things feel overwhelming, every day is a struggle and affecting daily experiences and thoughts…Take a moment to ground yourself…And bring your awareness to the here and now.
Remember to take each moment as it comes… Each minute...Each hour...Each day… And remind yourself, “This is just a moment, and it too shall pass.”